On Wednesday morning (September 24th) I left school and caught a bus home to New York. I received news on Tuesday evening that a friend of mine had passed away, so I hopped on a bus as soon as I could.
Emotional eating has not been going so well. I was not close friends with the girl who passed but when something so tragic happens to someone so young (21), it can really take a toll on you. Over the past couple days, I've been doing quite a bit of reevaluating of my life and what my purpose is. I doubt I'll figure that out anytime soon, but I can make an effort daily to figure out what's important to me and how I'd like to be remembered when my time comes.
Back to the eating part; at any given time, I'm going through 1 of 2 phases. Phase 1 is not eating at all. Sometimes I feel so emotionally distressed that eating is secondary to most other things, even things that don't matter much. Phase 2 involves eating, but making bad choices. I've had somewhat of a 'what's the point' attitude since hearing the news, but I'm dealing with it a lot better now.
The reason why I have Skinny Bitch in the title of this post is because when I was on the train yesterday, I saw a woman reading it. That was the first time I had ever seen anyone reading the book outside of a bookstore (kind of ironic because it's a New York Times Best Seller). I was so tempted to say 'hey, I read that book, went vegan right away, and lost 25lbs' but instead, I refrained from saying anything and let her keep reading peacefully.
To anyone who hasn't read the book and has any type of interest in veganism, I would say that this is a must-read. I let my vegetarian friend flip through it a bit and she was very frustrated by what the authors were saying. I think that reaction was derived from the fact that as a vegetarian, she believed she was doing her part in the Animal Rights movement and it was not necessary to go and further. Everyone is going to give different feedback about the book, but if anything, read it and form your own opinion, whether it be positive or negative.

This morning, I had the oh-so-wonderful luxury of making my OWN juice in my OWN juicer. Getting smoothies and juices from on-campus spots is cool, but nothing beats making your own carrot juice at home...which is what I did today.
I have to try to find a way to take my juicer back to school with me. I'm not sure how much longer I can survive without it. I made it a point not to pack too heavily so that I can carry a few items back with me (juicer, jackets, etc) so hopefully, I alotted myself enough space.
I'll let y'all know if it makes the journey with me.
Raw. Love.
Emotional eating has not been going so well. I was not close friends with the girl who passed but when something so tragic happens to someone so young (21), it can really take a toll on you. Over the past couple days, I've been doing quite a bit of reevaluating of my life and what my purpose is. I doubt I'll figure that out anytime soon, but I can make an effort daily to figure out what's important to me and how I'd like to be remembered when my time comes.
Back to the eating part; at any given time, I'm going through 1 of 2 phases. Phase 1 is not eating at all. Sometimes I feel so emotionally distressed that eating is secondary to most other things, even things that don't matter much. Phase 2 involves eating, but making bad choices. I've had somewhat of a 'what's the point' attitude since hearing the news, but I'm dealing with it a lot better now.
The reason why I have Skinny Bitch in the title of this post is because when I was on the train yesterday, I saw a woman reading it. That was the first time I had ever seen anyone reading the book outside of a bookstore (kind of ironic because it's a New York Times Best Seller). I was so tempted to say 'hey, I read that book, went vegan right away, and lost 25lbs' but instead, I refrained from saying anything and let her keep reading peacefully.
To anyone who hasn't read the book and has any type of interest in veganism, I would say that this is a must-read. I let my vegetarian friend flip through it a bit and she was very frustrated by what the authors were saying. I think that reaction was derived from the fact that as a vegetarian, she believed she was doing her part in the Animal Rights movement and it was not necessary to go and further. Everyone is going to give different feedback about the book, but if anything, read it and form your own opinion, whether it be positive or negative.

This morning, I had the oh-so-wonderful luxury of making my OWN juice in my OWN juicer. Getting smoothies and juices from on-campus spots is cool, but nothing beats making your own carrot juice at home...which is what I did today.
I have to try to find a way to take my juicer back to school with me. I'm not sure how much longer I can survive without it. I made it a point not to pack too heavily so that I can carry a few items back with me (juicer, jackets, etc) so hopefully, I alotted myself enough space.
I'll let y'all know if it makes the journey with me.
Raw. Love.