Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Almost Time to Go

Once again, I´m plagued with limited time and a keyboard that seems to have honey stuck in between the keys so I have limited time to do a post....we have to learn to work with what we´re given though right?
I got back from the movie theater a little while ago and my friend and I ended up watching the movie Underworld was mad weird. We couldn´t see the Almodóvar movie because it had already started and we didn´t feel like sitting around and waiting for the next showing to start. I had some popcorn and water while we watched the movie.
For lunch today, my host mom made this really tasty mix of rice and garbanzo beans but I could have done without the copious amounts of olive oil she put in it. Whatever though, I still enjoyed it. My host dad seems to have lost a lot of weight since I last saw him two years ago so I guess they´re doing something different with their cooking nowadays.
The picture above is of me and my host parents daughter Candela. They´re going to name their second daughter Raquel - I like that name.
I had to do a double take when I saw that picture through the LCD screen because I can see my winter weight gain clearly...especially in my face. My trip to California is quickly approaching (2 months away) so it´s time for a bit of a turnaround. Gym anyone?
I have a list of about 20 or so goals that I carry with me everywhere and one of my fitness goals is to run 15 5k´s between now and February. I better get cracking though because as of right now, I can´t even run a straight 10 minute mile without huffing and puffing. I ran my last 5k (3 years ago) in 26 or so minutes and that didn´t even scratch the surface of my potential, so I´ve really got to work hard, especially with my broken ankle.
I´ll try to put up the video in my next post...which will be from the U.S. Until then, take care everyone.
Raw. Love.

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