It's no secret that my diet has been super out of whack recently. I've been teetering back and forth between periods of time where my diet is immaculate and even longer periods when I shovel everything in sight into my mouth. I could somewhat get away with this behavior during the winter because D.C. winters allow you to clothe heavily, but the summer is a bit less forgiving. People are already beginning to shed the jackets and jeans and it's a bit intimidating...
My original plan for the winter was to hit the gym on a regular basis and put on as much lean muscle as possible. I was going to keep an eye on my diet, but not nearly as much as I do during the summer. Like I said, the winter allows for some wiggle room in terms of clothing so I didn't think it would be a big deal. Following the bulk of the winter, around March, I wanted to calorie/fat cut a bit and lean out so that by the time I finished school (May 11th) I'd be beach ready (vain, I know). Well, that plan did not flourish and here I am weighing 10lbs more than I did when I arrived here in the fall.
It's okay though; I have a snapshot of where I am (figuratively and literally) and I'm ready to go forward. I went grocery shopping Friday and today and I was able to load up on some good produce. I got about a weeks worth of groceries...90% of them being raw.
As I learned in past experiences, jumping into a 100% raw diet can be incredibly tough, but for the sake of my trip to L.A. on May 15th, I'm going to go as raw as possible for as long as possible. My one vice will be cooked rice and beans (complete protein) but other than that, I'm staying away from cooked foods.
Also, I commence my new fitness program tomorrow so it should be interesting to see the results of a sound diet and working out during 5 weeks time. Over the summer, when my raw foodism was at its height, I lost a substantial amount of weight with diet alone, so you can imagine what a combination of a raw diet and exercise could potentially do for me...or anyone for that matter.
Pictured up top was my lunch which was, if I may say so myself, absolutely delicious. It was a mix of lettuce, tomatoes, sun dried tomatoes, corn, and mushrooms which I cooked lightly. The flavor from the sun dried tomatoes could be tasted in the whole salad so I actually didn't need any dressing. It's been awhile since I've eaten something so clean and tasty.
What else did I eat today? I was somewhat of a pig, digging in to my newly purchased groceries, but here's my Sunday consumption list:
(not in the order they were eaten)
1 Grapefruit
2 Oranges
1 Banana
A Bowl of Lightly Roasted Potatoes
1 Avocado
Handful of Carrots
1 Cup of Cranberry Tea
...and it's only 7pm!?!?!
I've got to do something about this unorganized eating thing.
Take care everyone and feel free to drop a comment.
Raw. Love.
You're doing just fine Natalie-- today was a feast day on the calendar!
Haha! You're absolutely right...and I enjoyed one of the best feasts I've had in awhile :-)
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