In an effort to improve my cardiovascular health, I've been trying to be more consistent with my workouts recently. I got into the swing of things once again maybe 3 or 4 weeks ago and everything had been going well....until SWINE FLU decided to make a nasty appearance. There are 5 cases of swine flu so far at my University and this has caused a lot of people to get really paranoid when they engage in daily functions. Some things I think are appropriate, such as the University deciding to place Purell hand sanitizer and moist towelettes at the front desks in all of the dorms, but other things are just kind of unnecessary, like not coming within ten feet of your friend who spent spring break in Cancun. I mean, the 5 students on campus who supposedly have swine flu have been quarantined and are residing in a dormitory that is located three blocks from the main campus, so why is everyone still so panicked?
Okay, so maybe I'm a little too laid back and care free about the issue but when an influenza outbreak interferes with my ability to get my workout on, I get upset. A few days ago, I was standing in the hallway of my dorm talking to a couple of friends when I interrupted and told them I had to run because I was heading to the gym. Following this statement, I was immediately scolded and received a somewhat synchronous verbal expression of discontent with my decision to workout. Why were they so concerned? Apparently fitness centers are a breeding ground for germs and any old person walking around the gym could be carrying the virus. Even though I was aware of this, I was still willing to follow through on my plan to workout...but my friends weren't going to let me go that easily. The huffed and puffed and carried on about the danger I would be putting myself in so I just decided to submit and didn't workout.
And sadly, I haven't worked out since.
I think that, subconsciously, I actually listened to what my friends said and started to believe it to a certain extent. In recent hours, I've started to slap some sense into myself and was reminded that fear is a lethal weapon and it can truly hold you back. So yes, I'm going to be safe, but I'm also not going to let this swine scare dictate how I run my day. The perfect balance, right?
Take care all, and be sure to find YOUR balance of safety and freedom...
Raw. Love.
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