So I'm kind of lacking knowledge when it comes to getting a nourishing breakfast in. I try to do an all fruit breakfast on most days but sometimes, fruit isn't at my disposal. What I've been doing over the past couple of days is: a glass of green mix with water (trader joe's), a glass of Emergen-c with water, and a cup of chamomile tea with lemon. So basically, all liquids.
What I have pictured above is the breakfast I would have before I left school. I forgot to take a picture of it before I started eating so this was all that was left over. I like the cantaloupe...I actually had some this morning. In the styrofoam cup (I know, not so environmentally friendly), I had some grapes and half of a grapefruit. And then, obviously, there's my bottle of water. This would normally sustain me until lunch, but now that my day is structured differently, I have to plan out my eating times once again.
I took a trip to Trader Joe's yesterday and had a chance to load up on food for the week. I don't get to go there very often, so I made sure to take advantage of my time there. The Trader Joe's by me doesn't have the greatest fresh fruit selection, but I was able to get a few fresh things like cantaloupes, grapes, strawberries and mangoes. I was disappointed by the fact that they carried seedless watermelons and grapes. I actually had to search around a bit to find a package of grapes that had seeds in it.
Lately, my breakfast liquids have been limited to water and the green mix. I feel pretty energized after starting the day off with some green powder, so I think I'll continue to do that. The powder (whose ingredients and serving size I will list on a later date) is $9.99 at Trader Joe's and will probably last me two weeks or so. I only recently incorporated it into my diet, but I see it playing a major role in my daily food intake in the future.
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