Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Favor for my Mom

(Nori Rolls from Bonobos)

My Mom is trying to convert her vegetarian diet to a raw diet and she is also trying to educate some of her friends about the benefits of adding more fruits and vegetables to their meals daily. Since she knows that I'm a fanatic when it comes to online research about raw foods, she had me send a few of them an e-mail about some of my discoveries. Here is a copy of the e-mail I sent them...

My Mom, asked that I forward you some information that the two of us came across concerning raw foods. She's already begun to learn about the preparation of some raw meals and I must say, as her personal taste tester, the food was amazing. I think she is ultimately striving to achieve ultimate health by way of natural foods, and I am on a similar path, so this is something we share. I do a bit more research than she does and I have access to more resources, so below I'll post some of my favorites. Enjoy!

Some sites and personal opinions

1) Raw Model
Anthony Anderson is a model working with on of the top modeling agencies in the country. I like him because he says that he would not have the success he's experienced without the tremendous help of raw foods. He is based in New York, so I am able to check out and visit many of the stores and restaurants he goes to. He blogs probably 3-4 times per week and he's loaded with knowledge. His body and mind are both forces to be reckoned with. The blog site is pretty easy to navigate and you can check out some of his past articles by clicking the different months on the right side of the screen.

2) Running Raw
This was actually the first resource that I used for raw food help. As an athlete, I was concerned that putting too much emphasis on raw foods would cause me to lose my shape or muscle mass, but with the inspiration from this site, I've actually excelled and gotten leaner. Tim VanOrden is the mastermind behind this site. He is a 40 year-old mountain runner trying to break world records using the power of raw foods. His journey of combining running with raw foods passed it's two year mark recently and the progress he has made is unexplainable.

3) Dr. Jubb
This one I can't talk about too much because I don't know enough about him. My Mother and I went to Dr. Jubbs cafe in the village and shared a slice of $12 strawberry cake. It tasted like real cake but it was totally raw; it was really tasty also. He preaches the idea of "Live" foods. While we were in the cafe, he personally came over to us and explained the difference between Living Foods and Live Foods. It was then that my Mom realized the some living foods, such as bananas, dates, and carrots, are actually cancer causing due to their molecular make-up. I can go into it deeper with you if you'd like, just shoot me an e-mail.

4) Green Smoothie Detox
This site boasts a free detox program that anyone can follow. The program is run by two women who are passionate about the raw movement; they call themselves the Raw Divas. I came across this site by suggestion. I had sent an e-mail to Tim VanOrden (from above - #2) asking him for advice because I was on a similar journey as him. When I received a reply e-mail from him, he suggested taking notes from the Raw Divas (one of the Divas works as his personal assistant). Take away from this whatever information you can.

So, that's kind of a taste of where I get most of my advice, information, and inspiration from. I have more if you are interested, so feel free to shoot me back an e-mail if you'd like to know more. On a personal note, with the incorporation of more raw foods into my diet and the deletion of things like meat and dairy, I have lost 18lbs over the last few months. Let me know how this all works out for you.

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