Friday, June 6, 2008

Coco Loco

I recently acquired a passion for experimenting with coconuts.
The first time I blended up some coconut meat with coconut water,
I was absolutely blown away by the taste.
I used to be a milk addict, and this is definitely a tasty substitute for when my milk cravings are plaguing me. The smooth consistency coupled with the amazing richness of the milk satisfied my taste buds for hours.

My Dad drove me down to Chinatown last week and I picked up a few Thai coconuts.
I drank one on the spot and got two to go. The vendor told me that the coconuts would be pretty easy to open on my own, but I was in for a rude awakening when I got home and tried opening one the next day. I don't have a clever, so I had to use one of the heavy duty knives I have instead.

The kitchen was somewhat of a mess by the time I finally opened it up. Coconut flesh was all over the place and with a gimp leg, I was unable to do a good job when clean-up time came around. But it was all worth large glass of coconut milk was such a great treat after all of the love and effort I put into making it.

My trusty blender got the job done...Here it is in the limelight:

So pictured above is the water and meat from one coconut. It was extremely filling and satisfying. I would have loved to pour it over some of my favorite vegan cereals, but I thought it would be best to just enjoy this raw delight solo.

The coconut that was blended in the photo above was refrigerated overnight before I used it.
I did not have to use any ice cubes to chill was still cold when I finished blending it.
Since then, I've tried a few 'coconut combinations'...some were successful and some not so successful. One concoction was a blend of coconut milk (meat + water), raw cacao nibs (ground in a coffee grinder), half of a banana, and some agave nectar. I have to admit, the taste wasn't so great at first, but I let it sit in the refrigerator overnight and when I drank it the next day, it was to die for. I don't know why the taste changed so much from one day to the next.

Anyway though, enough of my coconut rambling...Here are a couple more photos for your enjoyment.

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