Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hemp. Shake.

(A whole ounce of wheatgrass)

I went to my local health food store last week and bought my very first 1oz shot of wheatgrass. Let me tell you, I don't think that there is anything you can tell someone that would prepare them for an experience like that. I thought I was big and bad enough to handle downing the whole shot in one go, but I was about ready to pass out after one sip. I later ended up throwing the rest of the wheatgrass into a green drink I made the next day (I wonder if the wheatgrass was still potent??), and get this, it was still just as powerful as drinking it straight. Unbelievable.

Rewinding back to the local health food store...while I was in the back ordering my wheatgrass, I noticed a Hempshake packet made by Nutiva. I'm not hugely into chocolate, but I like to have my fix every now and then. Since the hempshake packets were only about $2 a piece, I got two; one for me and the other for my mom.

I was pretty excited after I bought the Hempshake, so I went home right away and prepared it for myself. I initially thought that I would only need almond milk and the hempshake packet contents to make the mixture, but the back of the packet called for a few other ingredients...all of which I happened to have laying around my house.

Other than the powder in the packet, the Hempshake called for:

1 Tablespoon of Coconut Oil

Handful of Hempseeds

And...A cup of Almond Milk (not my image)

So I blended up all of these badboys in my trusty blender and the end result was a glass of chocolaty goodness. I know this is supposed to be some kind of healthy, superfood, energy type of drink, but it tasted more like dessert to me, and I certainly wasn't complaining. The blender really got the drink to a nice and smooth consistency which I really enjoyed, because no one likes a lumpy chocolate drink. It took a little longer than I thought to get all of it down because it was pretty thick and rich...but I actually like that about it. I'm a little too quick when it comes to eating and drinking, so being forced to go slow with this was a positive. Here's a photo of my shake:

And for the first time in awhile, I got to make a little chocolate milk mustache (a bit hard to see because it's brown on brown):

Raw Love Babyyyy

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