Sunday, November 23, 2008

Water Consumption

(The art of mutli-tasking)

My water intake has never been anywhere close to where it should be, so lately I've pushed myself to drink more water than I'm used to. My current goal is to get in around two or three liters a day which I try to break up evenly throughout the morning, noon, and evening.

As a broke college student, I can actually only afford to buy bottled water a couple of times per week. What I normally resort to is getting refills from the nasty water fountain right outside of my door. The water is gross, but it gets the job done...right?

As far as working out goes, I've really been mobilizing and that makes it even more important to keep myself hydrated. My campus job is also pretty labor intensive so it's vital for me to stay hydrated for that reason as well.

I might lose some respect for saying this, but here I go. Sometimes, to make the water go down a bit easier, I add some Emergen-C to give it some flavor. It ultimately makes the water taste like heavily watered down orange juice but hey, it's better than regular water. Each packet has 1,000 mg of vitamin C which is way more than what's needed in a day, but vitamin C is something that, in surplus, goes in through one end and out the other.

I have way more to say on the subject of water, but you'll have to excuse me right now because I'm drawing a big blank on some of the other things I wanted to add. Agh!! Hit me up on a later date...I promise I'll have more for you.

What has college done to my precious brain???

Raw. Love. Y'all.

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