I won't bother grossing anyone out by posting a photo of my recovering broken leg, but I did want to write up an update about it. The orthopedic surgeon says that I am progressing very well and that I should be fully on my feet in another 4 days or so. I have no cast on at this point and I can walk with shoes on, but I still have to use my crutches when I walk. I've been pretty hard headed lately and haven't been using my crutches as directed, but I'm just so anxious to go out and do my own thing
So I labeled this post big foot because my foot is actually quite large. Well, not my foot exactly, but my ankle. I've been on my feet constantly since Friday night and at the end of each day, my ankle looks like a mini baseball. When my leg is at rest for an extended period of time, like when I'm sleeping, the swelling goes down tremendously, but the slightest bit of activity can change all of that.
When I went in for my x-ray last Wednesday, the specialist told me that the break was no longer visible. They said that the plate and screws that were put in to support my break will be removed eventually since I'm still young, but for now, they're staying put until further notice. I wonder how crazy the surgeon would think I was if I credited part of my recovery to my diet?? Pretty crazy I suppose. I'll keep that thought tucked away.
Diet wise, I've been alright lately. I did a pretty good job of trashing my body this weekend, but I also did an alright job of bouncing back after an off weekend. I haven't gone out on my own in awhile so I really appreciated being able to go out this weekend and enjoy myself. I did an impromptu juice feast on Sunday and felt unbelievable good. I only had four 12oz juices throughout the day, but I actually think my body was thanking me because after two days of staying out late and 'doing my thing', my body deserved a well-needed break.
I can't wait to do more extensive juice feasts in the near future. I'm thinking about treating myself to round trip tickets to L.A. in the next couple weeks, so I really need to shape up and juices will be a major player...I want my California debut to be something to remember.
Raw. Love.
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