Friday, July 4, 2008


(Me, one of my brothers, and my sisters)

I had my last weigh-in on Sunday, June 29th, and the scale read 145lbs. That means I'm down 23lbs since I made changes to my diet...and I can feel it for sure. My weight loss and the rest of my transformation has really bumped up my confidence level to a point where it has never been before. I honestly feel like I'm glowing.

This is probably going to be the most un-modest post that I ever write, but I just really wanted to talk about how good I've been feeling lately. The elimination of meats, dairy, and unnatural sugars from my diet has done wonders for me all around. I feel better, I look better, I'm more positive, I'm happier about life, I'm more productive, and most importantly, I live every day to the fullest. Feeling beautiful from the inside and out is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Of coarse, there are still days when I feel sluggish, just like there are days when I feel amazing, but I think I'm well on my way to permanent happiness and confidence.

I used to walk around the city with my head down, literally, but lately I have forced myself to look up and say 'you know what, there is NOTHING for me to have my head down about. I have a beautiful life, and I should appreciate every second of it.' People notice when you feel good about yourself, because it shows and it's impossible to hide. Why would you want to hide it anyway?

I barely ever used to get compliments, but now I feel like I receive them everyday. Some of them I can do without, but others seem very genuine and are reassuring for me. To know that all of the inside stuff that I've been working on is finally showing on the outside is extremely exciting. It's something that I have been waiting for for awhile now. Six months of hard work mixed in with a lot of back and forth is now starting to take physical form.

I still have lots of work to do, no doubt about that, but I am very pleased with the progress I have made thus far. I'm no raw foodist yet, but I can't even begin to imagine the constant high I'll be on once I do make the full on transition. I'm confident that I'll get there if I make small strides every day and keep at it. I'm not giving up.

Spread The Word.

Raw. Love.

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