Round two of the hempshake came and passed, and here I am to talk about it. I went to my trusty local health food store last week and purchased another couple hempshake packets, except in a different flavor. Last time, I bought chocolate and this time, I went fruity and got berry pomegranate. I must say, I like this one better than the chocolate. I'm not much of a chocolate person anyway, but even if I was, I think I'd still like the taste of the berry pomegranate better.
Moving along...just like with the chocolate hempshake, this delight called for a couple other ingredients. I kind of ended up adding in way more of each ingredient than the package called for, but I'm a growing teen and I was juice feasting that day (I have an amazing talent for rationalizing). Here are the guest stars of the berry pomegranate shake:
Moving along...just like with the chocolate hempshake, this delight called for a couple other ingredients. I kind of ended up adding in way more of each ingredient than the package called for, but I'm a growing teen and I was juice feasting that day (I have an amazing talent for rationalizing). Here are the guest stars of the berry pomegranate shake:
Just a little side note, I tried making my own almond milk about two weeks ago and it was an absolute disaster. For one, I don't own a nutmilk bag, and besides that, I know nothing about making almond milk. I had some extra almonds laying around and I was just like 'hey, maybe it'll be a good idea to thrown these babies in a blender with some water, salt, and vanilla bean.' Man, I couldn't have been more wrong. Sometimes, my creativity results in something really awesome, but this certainly wasn't one of those times. At least I tried though.
I am sadly forced to resort to store bought almond milk. I don't think that this qualifies as raw, but it's as close as I'm going to get to it until I learn how to make my own. When turning vegan, I decided to drink this milk instead of soymilk or rice milk because I knew my transition into raw veganism would be easier if I was already used to having some sort of almond milk.
I've said it once and I'll say it again, this shake was very tasty. I read the back label to see what it was comprised of, and I couldn't figure out whether it was raw or if it had some cooked or processed components. I'll have to double check that on Nutiva's website.
My second impromptu juice feasting day (as I mentioned above) went well, just as the first did. I did it on Sunday, the 6th, and I unfortunately ran into some minor conflicts throughout the day. I went to the Yankees vs. Boston game that day with my dad, sister, and , my sister's boyfriend, and it's not easy to sit inside Yankee stadium for two hours without eating....but I did it. I had some juice in a glass bottle when I entered the stadium and it got taken away at the gate; I should have known. All I had left was some honest tea (orange mango flavor) that my sister was nice enough to give me once we situated ourselves in the bleachers....yes, the bleachers. I got through the day alright though, and the game was enough to keep my mind off of food, although my sister didn't help much when she walked passed me with a heavily mustarded pretzel.
The Yankees won by the way.
So from what I remember, here's what I drank throughout the day (no specific order):
2 hempshakes,
2 glasses of carrot juice,
ginger tea,
orange mango honest tea,
lots of water!
Raw. Love.
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